Discover the Help That a Dentist in Soho Can Be for Your Oral Wellbeing

patient at the dental clinic

Care to those who need it most

As we all continue to see our world changed by the ongoing effects of Covid-19, it is important that we recognise that, whilst it may seem to engulf all aspects of our daily lives, it is something which we must all adapt around as life goes on. One of the most commonly overlooked areas of our health is our dental health. As many practices have closed their doors recently throughout the lockdown, and as a number of us have been focusing on other issues and concerns, many people have recently neglected their oral health at a time which it has never been more important. Thankfully, patients who are in immediate or serious need of a dentist can get the treatment that they need, thanks to the introduction of social distancing measures and other precautionary steps such as PPE and hand sanitizer.

Dental hygiene treatments

smiling woman

Some of the most potentially beneficial treatments which patients can receive at many dental practices in the capital are those which are carried out by a dental hygienist. Rather than simply focusing on addressing a surface-level, cosmetic or superficial problem that patients have with their teeth, the role of a dental hygienist is to make sure that a patient’s teeth are in good and proper health. This often involves a two step, professional cleaning service which is called a ‘scale and polish’.

This involves the use of specialised tools and equipment – such as an endodontic file – to remove any pockets and buildups of either plaque, tartar or both from the harder to reach areas within a patient’s teeth. By removing these buildups, any risk of the patient contracting gingivitis or periodontal disease is greatly reduced, and their teeth are also often visibly cleaner and fresher looking after such a treatment – which is an added bonus.

Steps that patients must take before receiving dental care

In an attempt to preserve the health and safety of all staff members, practitioners and patients, there are now several steps which must be carried out by a patient who is looking to receive dental care from their local provider. One such step involves the patient being contacted by their dental practice to confirm their arrival and appointment time, prior to turning up.This helps to maintain a steady flow of patients in a safe manner, and prevent patients from coming into unnecessary contact with each other.

Another one of the measures which are required prior to seeking out any dental treatment is to provide your practice with an up-to-date medical history form, as well as a standard Covid-19 screening form. This electronic screening allows for practices to determine which patients are at the least risk of infection, prior to seeking out treatments. It pays to mention to those who are considering seeking out any dental procedures, that dental practices are already maintained and cleaned regularly to the highest possible standards, to minimise any potential health risks for staff and patients. As such, provided that all the relevant measures are upheld and respected, there is no reason that patients who required dental care should not be able to receive it when needed.

The Author

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