How good dental health keeps you healthy and happy

dental patient

One of the most seriously underestimated concepts in terms of human health is the relationship between mouth health and overall health which includes mental and emotional wellbeing. Most people tend to only appreciate mouth function and health when it comes to masticatory function and speaking abilities.

Not much attention is paid to its wider role of supporting physical, mental and social health – all equally important for quality of life. For if we did, then far more would make their visits to a dentist Sydney CBD a critical priority and not see it as an arbitrary option that can be easily skipped out on.

To really appreciate good dental health, it can be useful to point out the adverse consequences without it. For instance, consider what the effect of a gap-toothed smile would be or bad breath or not being able to eat due to discomfort caused by tooth decay – life would be a challenge.

Despite this, it is surprising the number of people who continue to avoid the dental chair or do not fully commit to a dentist-approved oral hygiene routine. In one survey, the Australian Dental Association has found that 1 in 2 individuals in Australia brush their teeth twice a day as instructed while the diets of 1 in 2 contain excessive amounts of sugar – both appear on the list of well-known no-no’s that pose a danger to oral health.

Importance of good oral hygiene implementation

A solid understanding of good oral hygiene, and its role in overall body health, makes it easier to prioritise implementation. Some of the more common ways that taking care of teeth and gums play in promoting health include:

  • Nutrition

Teeth need to be healthy and strong in order to make biting and chewing easy and digestion more effective. People can eat a diverse diet covering all recommended foods such as fruit and vegetables. With poor oral health, one will most likely avoid such foods and stick to soft foods that are more manageable to eat.

healthy food

  • Physical body health

Those whose teeth are free of plaque will find that they are not at risk of gum disease which has been found to aggravate complications linked to medical conditions such as cardiovascular conditions and diabetes. Poor oral health is also commonly linked to respiratory infections, oral cancers and there is even a plausible link to Alzheimer’s.

  • Social necessity

It may not be apparent at first why good oral health becomes necessary in social contexts. A pleasing smile (meaning straight bright teeth outlined by healthy gums) has a more advantageous effect in a social context because people react positively when confronted by a beautiful smile. An aligned smile aids in boosting confidence which prompts others to associate the wearer with desirable qualities such as intelligent, trusting and friendly.

Framed in this light, it is a no-brainer why taking care of dental health becomes a non-negotiable. Find more professional pro-dental health advice at Spa Dental Sydney CBD.

When consulting a dental practitioner for dental care, it is important to keep in mind that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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