Need a root canal?

dental appointment

4 overlooked benefits of endodontic procedures

There are fewer things in life more unpleasant than a dental infection, as some of us know.

And once you have seen your dental team to get the infection under control, you may be less than enthused to learn that you will probably need a follow-up procedure, to prevent the infection from coming back.

Known collectively as endodontics, this branch of dentistry involves drilling into the pulp of the tooth to remove the infected material responsible for the abscess. Sound familiar? It should do, as many people know this procedure as a root canal.

Before you decide against having a root canal performed, rest assured, that it is extremely straightforward and is actually better for your long-term oral health than an extraction. When discussing it with your dentist Stevenage, you may be surprised to learn of all the additional benefits that can be had from undertaking a root canal, which will be explored in this article.


If your infected tooth is one of your molar teeth, then there is less of an aesthetic issue to be had with having it extracted.

However, if your infected tooth is at the front of your mouth, then this can present a problem with your smile. But this is one advantage of the root canal process; your dentist cleans the tooth and tops it off with a composite crown, so no one will be able to spot that it has been done. Much more aesthetically pleasing than a gap!


Whereas an extraction removes the entire tooth from the mouth, a root canal preserves it by cleaning the pulp and adding strength to the tooth via a crown or filling.

Of course, it not only preserves the tooth it is performed on; as your dentist will tell you, a root canal also helps the surrounding teeth to remain in place and prevents any plaque attracting gaps in your smile.

smiling woman


As mentioned earlier, a complete extraction may seem desirable, but in actuality, it can cause havoc with your dental hygiene.

An extraction site can get infected and then, as the site heals and the jawbone regresses due to no longer holding a tooth in place, the surrounding teeth can move. This can allow once accessible areas to become harder to reach, allowing plaque and cavities to form, which can lead to more infections occurring if untreated. Not the ideal outcome!


While an extraction may be seen as a preventive treatment (how can a tooth which isn’t there become decayed or reinfected?) root canals are equally effective at preventing issues.

Everything from reducing movement of teeth, to stopping the extraction site attracting plaque, a root canal can also prevent you from losing confidence in your smile. It can also put a halt to expensive procedures, such as dental implants in the future.

The procedure does not kill the tooth, your tooth will not turn black and in simple terms, no one except you and your dental professional will know that you have had it done. Brilliant!

The Author

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