What You Need to Know about Neuropathy

doctor checking brain scan

The human body has two types of nervous systems: the central and peripheral nervous systems (CNS and PNS, respectively). The PNS includes all nerves and ganglia that are not found in the brain and spinal cord. Therefore, PNS is made up of sensory, autonomic, and motor nerves. Damage or dysfunction on any nerve in the PNS is known as neuropathy, commonly referred to as peripheral neuropathy. This blog post equips you with the information you need to understand neuropathy.

Causes of Neuropathy

A wide range of factors causes neuropathy. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of neuropathy. High levels of blood sugar usually interrupt sensory nerves from sending signals to the brain. When blood sugar levels are high, the walls of capillaries that supply oxygen to nerves are generally weakened.

Peripheral neuropathy is also a common side effect of chemotherapy. The chemicals used in this therapy can weaken or damage nerves. Therefore, most chemo patients find it hard moving or feeling their hands and feet. This damage is medically referred to as chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN).

doctor speaking with patient

Kidney failure is also another common issue that could lead to neuropathy. When kidneys fail, fluids and toxins tend to accumulate in the body, and they may end up affecting the sensory and motor nerves. This condition is referred to as uremic nerves. It affects about 20 to 50% of people with kidney issues but most of them can access neuropathy management in Los Angeles.

Autoimmune diseases also cause peripheral neuropathy. Since the body is fighting against itself, the immune system might attack nervous tissues leading to nerve damage. Examples of autoimmune diseases that lead to neuropathy are lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis. Other common factors that lead to neuropathy are carpal tunnel syndrome, heredity disorders, alcohol, and vitamin deficiencies.

Types of Neuropathy

The classification of neuropathy is based on the number of nerves affected and the cause of the problem. Mononeuropathy is the first common type, and it is the neuropathic illness that only affects one peripheral nerve. It is mostly caused by physical injury or protracted pressure on a particular nerve. An example is the ulnar nerve palsy.

Polyneuropathy includes all neuropathy cases that affect multiple peripheral nerves. This type is mostly caused by alcohol, kidney, and cancer complications or vitamin B deficiency. Examples include diabetic and uremic neuropathies.

The general symptoms of neuropathy are tingling, numbness, and a burning sensation on the feet and hands.

Treatment of Neuropathy

Neuropathy can be treated using antidepressants, surgery, injections, and physical therapy. The treatment administered depends on the cause and merits of each case. You can consider neuropathy management in Los Angeles if you notice any of the early signs. Early treatment provides better results, and therefore you should seek treatment as early as possible.

Neuropathy is a prevalent condition, and it is good to know a few things about it. Having sufficient information can help you get treatment on time or help your loved one struggling with this problem. The information in this guide lays a foundation for a better understanding of this condition.

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