More visibility equals more patients

SEO concept

Having a strong digital presence is key to staying relevant and visible in today’s digital world, so by enlisting the support of an entire team who have decades of experience and knowledge on the matter, dentists are able to ensure they can sleep easy at night knowing that their websites are working for them.

The best patient attraction system available to date is using SEO, or search engine optimisation, to full effect. This is a way to ensure that a website stands out from the millions of others out there, reaching the right people when they search for certain terms in Google.

Google uses some 200 factors to identify relevant websites in order to display on each page, with the ever-elusive Google page one being the most desirable. Of course, several of these initial hits are paid ads and this can be a viable option for businesses, however, featuring both first in the advertisement section and in the organic searches ensures that this website is the most clicked on and likely the most trusted business for those given keywords.

It can be a little daunting to begin this journey, so by simply sitting down and chatting with digital marketing specialists, dentists are able to explain who they are, what they want to be doing more of and what kind of patient they are looking to bring into their practice.

By understanding exactly what kind of person they are working for, digital marketers are able to recreate the right kind of voice and design a bespoke dental website that exceeds expectations, is compliant with health standards and is easy to navigate. This company isn’t an award-winning one for no reason!

Why does SEO matter?

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Simply put, there is no Google page two when it comes to business. Some 92% of searchers do not go past Google page one, rather the individual who is looking for information will sooner change their search terms rather than scroll further down.

Internet users have slowly been led to conformity here, where they have all come to an understanding that the most relevant information will be presented initially. A lot of data is deciphered by Google, using algorithms that can be difficult to manipulate, without experience and skill.

Dentists can embark on a lengthy and expensive trial and error experiment of their own to see what works and what doesn’t when it comes to website design and content creation to work their way up through the rankings. They can also pay hefty amounts to feature at the top of searches in Google’s paid advertisement scheme.

But if they do not know what their optimal keywords might be, then they can be spending an awful lot of money and time and unfortunately, they will see no results for their efforts. Skip the painstaking process and for the price of a cappuccino per day, get real results and a strong digital presence that enables more patients to find a dental practice and get the dental treatments that they need sooner.

The Author

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