How can a social media account help with marketing?


When you have a dental surgery to run, it is important for the success of the surgery to see it as both a business and a health care provider.

And, as more dental surgeries begin offering private or cosmetic dental treatments, competition is increasing. So, if you want to attract more patients to your dental surgery, you will need a marketing plan that is relevant, affordable and, most importantly, gets the results that you want!

It may seem odd for a dental surgery to have a social media page, but if toothpaste brand Colgate can do it, so can you! In fact, having a social media presence on Facebook or Instagram can be a boon for your surgery relating to the growth and acquisition of new dental patients. Great!

So, how exactly can having a social media presence be good for your dental surgery and attracting new patients? Read on to find out.

It’s cost-effective

digital marketing

Firstly, social media for dentists is a great idea because, among other things, it’s completely free to set up.

In years gone by, marketing could be exceedingly costly, with dental surgeries and other businesses needing to spend thousands on having leaflets printed. Nowadays, if you are looking for a marketing team to help you get attention, they will always opt for the most cost-effective option, which will be having a social media page as a starting point.

It’s what your competitors are doing!

As mentioned before, dental care is a business, and if you don’t have a social media presence, you are likely to be losing out to the competition. If you go onto social media and type in the names of the nearest dental surgery to yours, you will find their page. So, if you don’t have a social media page, you are missing out on attracting new patients, and it’s highly likely that they are going to your competitor’s surgery for treatment, which can feel like a real kick in the teeth!

It’s a great way to communicate

You have probably seen social media pages with companies replying to comments that have been left by their customers or patients. And this is no coincidence.

Social media allows businesses to communicate better with their patients and customers, thus building relationships and answering queries without a pressure-driven sales environment. As a dental surgery, this is important for helping nervous patients approach your team, as they are likely to feel more at ease asking questions online than in person.

It also allows you to respond to comments that previous or current patients have about your surgery, so you can address potential complaints on a forum that everyone can see.

It builds brand recognition

This is where all of this ties together; social media helps to build brand recognition for your dental surgery and your staff.

Brand recognition is important, as it helps patients to associate your team with a set treatment, way of communicating or visual aesthetic. And this helps to build popularity and allows your surgery to feel and look more approachable for dental patients who are looking for a surgery or are looking for a particular treatment.

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