October 2021

Doctor using a computer

Top Ways Technology Has Changed Healthcare

It’s hard to imagine a medical procedure that technology hasn’t helped to enhance. From surgical procedures to rehabilitation exercises, technology has been able to help make healthcare processes more effective and efficient. However, it is not just technology within the medical field that has evolved over time–healthcare as an industry itself has changed in many […]

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Geriatric Depression is a Not Natural Part of Our Sunset Years

As a severe medical condition, depression (major depressive disorder) impacts how you feel, think, and behave. It’s a good thing, too, since it’s curable. Depression is characterized by sorrow and diminished interest in once-enjoyable activities. Some mental and physical issues can arise, impairing your ability to carry out your daily tasks at work and in

Geriatric Depression is a Not Natural Part of Our Sunset Years Read More »

misaligned yellowish teeth

Misaligned teeth? It’s time for Invisalign!

Having misaligned teeth can cause anxiety and low self-esteem. If you have a mild to moderate alignment issue such as crowded teeth, gapped teeth, under or overbite, crossbite, or open bite, there is a discreet solution which doesn’t involve metal wires and brackets. In fact, there are many reasons why Invisalign Maidstone could be the

Misaligned teeth? It’s time for Invisalign! Read More »

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